And no its not because Mr. Wonderful bailed out on me. Its more of unfortunate circumstances.
You see his uncle has cancer and this week might be his last. Now I would be really freaking insensitive if I just go ahead with what he planned.
Mr. Wonderful wanted to but I insisted we do not. He still tried to make plans for a casual date like playing Frisbee instead on Saturday but I know it won't fall through if a wake is to be held. His family will need him to be around.
I wish I could do something to help and its frustrating to be so helpless in such circumstances. The best I can do is hug Mr. Wonderful and pray.
I do not know what to pray for. For his Uncle's recovery? It'll take a miracle as he's in the last and final stage of cancer but if I pray that his death would be painless and bring about a closure for all, its like I'm praying for his death.
Cancer is a painful way to die, it puts on a lot of burden on the family emotionally, physically and financially.
To tell you the truth, I've never experienced the loss a death can bring to a family.
The closest was my cousin's death when he was but 11 and my great-grandmother. But I was not physically there to experience the sorrow and pain of witnessing the slow death of someone. I never hope to.
Now, cancer can be heredity or it can be avoided as far as possible. I guess my message is to smokers out there.
I met a strong robust hale and hearty man two years ago at a Christmas party and now.. He'll be leaving behind a three-year old boy who has not yet grasped the concept of the finality of death.
To Mr. Wonderful I love you and I'll be there for you and your family.
dont worry.. i've never celebrated valentine's day in my life before.. worse? no? haha.. it's a normal day for me.. =)
i hope ur uncle will get well soon ..
ReplyDelete@wen thanks but its not my uncle, its my BF's uncle. :P